72m ü.B.
72 metres above Bern – photographies of Dominique Uldry from the roof of the former PTT tower in Bern. Bound in DUCHESSE petrol and endpaper in SURBALIN senfgelb.
Photographies of a special kind. An evidence to the seasons and the awareness that the same view looks different each day, but at least each month and each season. Also the book cover is marvellous with DUCHESSE petrol, finely contrasting white finished in screen printing. This interacts in a modern way with SURBALIN senfgelb for endpaper.
Published by the canton of Bern and Edition Affspace in Bern. Printing by Druckerei Odermatt AG, Dallenwil and binding by Bubu AG, Mönchaltorf.
Cover material: DUCHESSE 90401 petrol
Endpaper: SURBALIN glatt 6071 senfgelb