Small Gases - Big Effect: the Climate Change
Two business students, David Nelles and Christian Serrer, wanted to find an easy-to-read book with brief texts and comprehensible graphics to educate them on climate change. They searched in vain. This was how the idea came about to write precisely the book they were looking for on climate change themselves.
This meant, though, that they both had to wade through thick reference books, reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a number of scientific articles. They were helped by more than 100 scientists. It was not only the contents of the book that had to be appealing, of course; it also needed to look good. We are delighted that they made the decision to use Surbalin, which adds the finishing touches to the design of the book not only because it looks good but because of its attractive feel as well.
The end result is an informative and entertaining book that explains climate change with easy-to-understand texts and graphics. Seventy-five thousand copies of the book have been sold since it was published. It is available from bookstores and on the homepage for five euros.
Photo ©Lisa Schwegler