Best protection for treasures – Win a unique print
It is considered the most beautiful printed book in the world: the Gutenberg bible, also called B42. Johannes Gutenberg printed approximately 180 examples by the help of his movable types which have been designed especially for letterpress. The black text is all the same in all editions. The red markings, headings as well as the illuminations and gildings have been added in each example by hand.
Hand-colored reproductions of individual pages from the two most beautiful editions can be purchased from the Gutenberg Museum. Printed on pure rag paper and with 22 carat gold leaf overlay. Especially for these "treasures" the bookbindery Schaumann developed a briefcase, which takes care that each of these gorgeous leaves will arrive save at its buyer's. Peyer Cover supports the project with the cover materials PRINCESSE platingrau and burgunderrot as well as SURBALIN linea naturweiß for the insidepaper. Because of the material, the processing and the screen printing Gutenberg logo by Graphische Technik GmbH the briefcase is becoming an independent work of art.
Who knows what the expression B42 is all about? Beyond the right answers we are giving away one page of the Gospel of John as hand press printing, gold-plated and coloured as well as several miniature book editions.