Small but special. Seldom did this description fit better on a book than on Edith Nüssli‘s and Stephan Cuber's recipe collection for homemade ice cream, glace in Swiss German. A delicious dream in DUCHESSE 90701 lavendel and DUCHESSE 90702 tiefviolett. Our favorite: champagne sorbet. Why? Try out!
As a stiff brochure trimmed on three sides, it is also a little special in terms of design. Author Edith Nüssli and designer Stephan Cuber prove how much form and content can enter into a symbiosis when congenial partners meet. Cream and honey in ice cream-recipes and in bookbinding two selected purple shades of DUCHESSE.
Cover material:
DUCHESSE 90701 lavendel
DUCHESSE 90702 tiefviolett