The sight of Benjamin Meyers' bestseller makes you long for the sea. OPEN SEE as a paperback edition in PEYDUR neuleinen 270gsm and with a matching color cut. A feast for the eyes in terms of design and flattering all the senses thanks to the exquisite linen look, refined with foil embossing.
A favourite of the independent book trade. Which is not surprising, given that the author dedicates his thanks to all the librarians, booksellers and teachers who have advocated for the written word.
Already a bestseller as a hardcover, the paperback with a dark blue color cut and bound in PEYDUR neuleinen 270gsm, it is also a real public favorite. So admired that DuMont Verlag received enthusiastic letters, that after the hardcover, the paperback has now also found its way into the reader's bookshelf.
In addition to the elegant look for the shelf, the ideal fibre composition of the paperboard gives the paperback edition the stability it needs for the highly recommended use on the beach or balcony.
Cover material: PEYDUR neuleinen 270gsm