SURBALIN seda wurde für T.C. Boyles Titel: "I Walk Between the Raindrops" vierfarbig im Offset bedruckt.

SURBALIN perleffekt as book jacket and SURBALIN tiefschwarz as cover, both with impressive finishings.

This charmingly designed volume was published by Diogenes with PEYPRINT java as cover material.

CABRA as an elegant cover material for the classic series of the publishing house Nikol Verlag.

DUCHESSE flamingo as cover material for the catalogue of Nevin Aladağ's exhibition "Sound of Spaces". Published by Hatje Cantz.

For the colour intensive cover theme by Stephanie Pech SURBALIN glatt provides the perfect screen.

SURBALIN glatt diamantweiß for "Floral Works" by Felix Dobbert is four-colour printed in offset and finished by black foil stamping.

"Zur See" ("To the sea") in the Büchergilde edition. PEYTAN as cover material. Printed in offset with special colour and finished with blind embossing.

Finest COMTESSE fabric for an exclusive volume about the BUGATTI EB 110. Published by Julius Kruta.

The "Atlas of Furniture Design", published by the Vitra Design Museum. Bound with SURBALIN glatt diamantweiß, four-colour offset printed and finished with UV varnish.

PRINCESSE aquamarin, indigo, petrol and schwarzblau were combined in the four-volume "Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst" ("Handbook of urban construction art"), published by Jovis Verlag.

White BARONESSE fabric four-colour printed in offset. The title is whetting the appetite for the next holiday in Italy.

CABRA natur – the material that makes Arno Schmidt's " Die Gelehrtenrepublik" (The scholars' republic) a haptic experience.

Druckfrisch, der neue Baldacci "Finstere Lügen", erschienen bei Bastei Lübbe. SURBALIN glatt petrol als Bezugsmaterial, veredelt mit zweifarbiger Folienprägung.

PEYVIDA puro for the lovingly designed climate saver activity book by Stephan Sigg and Anna-Katharina Stahl.

The bright white unbleached paper PEYPRINT was printed as cover material of the Selfcare-Journal in Offset printing four-colour with a photo motif rich in detail.

Precious COMTESSE in gold for the wonderful christmas book of the series "Die Andere Bibliothek".

"Geheimes Land" by Anne Heinlein shines in DOUBLESSE blutorange. Matching this a hot foil stamping in rich yellow.

BARONESSE papaya as cover material, suitable to the colour of the design on the book jacket and on the endpaper.

Appearances are deceptive
A special volume which is unfortunately only still available in antiquarian form.

Jadegrün looks very good on Siegfried Lenz
The factory edition consisting of 25 volumes is equipped for several years with our LINESSE jadegrün.

More than only a simple brochur
The project "Elfenaugeschichten" is a very particular application for our DUCHESSE offset.

Best protection for treasures – Win a unique print
Protected by a elaborately produced briefcases of PRINCESSE burgunderrot or platingrau.

Best protection for loveable things
A slipcase, covered by SURBALIN diamantweiß, protects the bibliophilic designed book "Herr Wondrak, wie kommt man durchs Leben".

The best protection for gloriously coloured serigraphies
A high-quality produced box with SURBALIN perleffekt blau offers the best protection for the brightly-coloured serigrafies. of the artist James F.Gill.

A book that piques curiosity
Mrs Schelleis has guts – our first thought when catching sight of the book.

It is never too much glamour. SURBALIN perleffekt in sparkling burgunderrot as a suitable book cloth for a shining cover.

A captivating unity of neon orange, platingrau and lila. The catalogue of the exhibition for the LVZ Kunstpreis 2022 Chez Schnabel from Anna Haifisch.

Sustainability can be that beautiful. PLAN N: Produced locally, climate neutral manufactured and bound in DOUBLESSE FSC®-certified.

Kathrin Linkersdorff has been inspired by the Japanese Wabi-Sabi philosophy for her poetically gracious pictures. A piece of art among the illustrated books – not at least because of the really successful choice of materials.

Small but nice. A gatefolded brochure in PEYPRINT gerippt, very beautifully combined with SURBALIN linea in orange for endpaper.

„Il divino – der Göttliche“ wurde Michelangelo bereits zu Lebzeiten genannt. Und mindestens nahezu göttlich ist die Ausstattung dieser monumentalen Gesamtdarstellung seines Werkes von Horst Bredenkamp.

The European Union still is the most important guarantee for peace and prosperity on our continent. And this visually stunning work shows the many faces for it.

Who doesn’t know them? The little yellow bound books, which accompanied us through our schooldays? Now there is a vast number of classics in a new appearance.

An especially haptical reading pleasure – the book jacket in PEYPRINT bison and the cover as well as the endpaper in SURBALIN glatt havanna and schwarzblau.

72m ü.B.
72 metres above Bern – photographies of Dominique Uldry from the roof of the former PTT tower in Bern. Bound in DUCHESSE petrol and endpaper in SURBALIN senfgelb.

This is a best-selling product that addresses the topic of sustainability. We are delighted to have been able to support the project with SURBALIN seda from the very start.

A large format illustrated book about the Amazonas rain forest of the exceptional photographer Sebastiâo Salgado. Bound in SURBALIN linea kalkgrau.

Why longing for the distance….When LONELY PLANET offers the 250 ultimate destinations in Germany as a book, bound in PEYPRINT gerippt and mind-blowing “goldplated”.

At first glance, a classic fabric cover in a larger format is hidden under the dust jacket.

Our favourite versions of EIN GUTER PLAN impress with cheerful and fresh colors that make you want to plan the New Year.

The Oxford dictionary, so to speak, of all those who are interested in internal and external communication, marketing and advertising.

“The book of books on the Italian Renaissance” - a splendid large-format edition in LINESSE jadegrün.

Small but special. A delicious dream in DUCHESSE 90701 lavendel and DUCHESSE 90702 tiefviolett. Our favorite: champagne sorbet. Why? Try out!

A cookbook that contributes to international understanding, bound in DUCHESSE birkenweiß.

Fortunately not terrible, but in the truest sense of the word tremendously impressive is the work of Johan Egerkrans, equipped with CRYLUXE alligator.

One of the shortlist candidates for the German Book Prize 2021 - made with

An imaginative and funny novel by Thomas Kunst, published by the renowned Suhrkamp Verlag.

One book. Three spectacular Peyer Cover materials. A harmonious triad of PEYPRINT glatt, DOUBLESSE malvenrot and PEYLIN glatt.

The sight of Benjamin Meyers' bestseller makes you long for the sea. OPEN SEE as a paperback edition in PEYDUR neuleinen 270gsm and with a matching color cut.

Almost like a Pâtisserie gift-wrapping: Our sensational cover material SURBALIN perleffekt pastell gold as an extraordinary cover for beloved family recipes and modern baking art from the Thermomix®.

Published by renowned Matthes & Seitz publishing house, this picture atlas on art theft and cultural heritage is bound in DOUBLESSE granitschwarz and was spectacularily refined through screen printing and blind embossing.

gatefolded brochure in PEYVIDA puro
The new series of gatefolded brochure on classic authors by Römerweg publishing house is a successful example of teamwork between designer, publisher and printer.

Die Männer in meinem Leben
A debut novel of its own kind. In content and optically. Sofia Rönnow Pessah’s novel is bound in SURBALIN honan tannengrün and refined by classical golden embossing.

Der Wahrheit verpflichtet
The latest literary work by the first Madam Vice-President of the United States Of America. Bound in classic SURBALIN glatt graphit.

Über Menschen
SURBALIN seda and PEYTAN gerippt has been used once again for Juli Zeh’s bestselling novel Über Menschen.

The Hill we climb
Poetry’s shooting star Amanda Gorman’s peom for the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20th 2021. A little poetic preciousness in SURBALIN seda diamantweiss.

There is a very special performance for the program of the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig. With Surbalin seda and fine foil stamping as stiff brochure.
peyer touches | Gewandhaus Orchestra

Das Welt Tagebuch (Diary of the World)
Every day of the year holds secrets, has stories to tell, and offers enough topics for discussion to get you thinking about fundamental, or sometimes seemingly trivial, issues - from Crackers over the Keyboard Day to World Book Day, to love, your middle finger or lost socks.

The Yearbook of Type (published by Slanted)
For the Yearbook of Type 2019/2020, PEYDUR neuleinen was used as the cover material and SURBALIN seda in black for the endpaper.

PEYVIDA - feel good to touch - for the classic novels by German publishing house Reclam Verlag. Featuring SURBALIN for the flyleaf.

What do Miss Piggy and Kermit, or Sisi and Franz, talk about when they think nobody is listening? Line Hoven and Jochen Schmidt are listening very carefully in their book. The SURBALIN seda cover, printed in gold and embossed in foil, simply begs you to take a look inside.

Using a folding slipcover to protect a beloved book
We are thrilled that publishers Zeitverlag picked a sophisticated slipcover for the exclusive German edition of Scribbles in the Margins - 50 Eternal Delights of Books by Daniel Gray.

Books published by Kremayr & Scheriau Verlag feature cover materials and dust jackets that feel good to touch, combine these with coloured endpapers, and finish them off with creative designs.

Wagenbach Verlag used SURBALIN linea for stiffened paper bindings with a three-sided trim for their Erich Fried series. The delicate line structure was skilfully incorporated into the design of the booklet.

The Kleine Gourmandise (Little Gourmet) series is published by Mandelbaum Verlag. Each title is dedicated to one vegetable, one herb, or one type of fruit or berry.
The books are lovingly designed, with each featuring a different permutation of SURBALIN for the cover and front; they are then printed and finished with foil embossing.

The name of this gin distilled in Hamburg, Skin Gin, says it all. The sleeve and the covering material used for the packaging are made from CRYLUXE in the alligator finish.

SURBALIN glatt, tiefschwarz
Antje de Vries, Abenteuer Geschmack (Adventure of Taste), Gräfe und Unzer, München
To start with the black cover material was offset printed twice in white, then it was printed in four colours. The oil-based varnish that was also used provides additional contrast and brilliance.

SURBALIN perleffekt
TC Boyle, Good Home, Hanser Verlag, München
This material is iridescent, resulting in an almost three-dimensional effect which makes the design of shimmering autumn leaves come to life. The embossed title adds the finishing touches to create a truly eye-catching cover.